SAFE 3-5

Protecting Digital Citizens

Digital Health & Welfare | Digital Security & Privacy | Digital Law

Digital Health & Welfare

Click below for lesson plan. 

Copy of (Edited by JV) 3-5 - PLUGGED IN VS. UNPLUGGED

At A Glance:

Digital Health & Welfare are the physical and psychological well-being in a digital world. Technology provides many opportunities and enjoyment, but knowing how to segment use with the needs of ourselves and others is key to a healthy, balanced life. 

About this Activity:

Students learn about "screen time" and strategies for maintaining a healthy balance.

Guiding Questions 

Subconcepts: Eye Safety, Distracted Driving, Screen Time

Additional Supporting Resources:

Schools Strive for Screen Time Balance in a Complex Equation

Screen Time: How Much is Too Much?

5 Ways Slimming Screen Time is Good for Your Health

Digital Security & Privacy- Phishing

Click below for lesson plan.  

3-5 SAFE - Phishing Lesson

At A Glance:

Digital Security & Privacy involves keeping our electronic devices safe from harmful elements, much like how we protect ourselves from illnesses. Understanding and practicing precautions against cyber attacks like viruses, worms, and phishing scams are important skills for students both now and in the future, whether they're using devices at school or home.

About this Activity: 

Students learn about phishing and the importance of being cautious online and knowing how to recognize and avoid phishing attempts. 

Guiding Questions:

Subconcepts:  AIdentifying Trusted Sources, Virus Protection

Additional Supporting Resources:

5 Internet Safety Tips for Kids Plus More Videos

Digital Security & Privacy-Password

Click below for lesson plan.  

Copy of (Edited by JV) 3-5 - PASSWORD PRIVACY (formerly PARADOX)

At A Glance:

Digital Security & Privacy are the electronic precautions to guarantee safety. Viruses, worms and other bots can be passed along from one system to another just like an illness. When using devices in school or at home, understanding and being aware of attacks and how to prevent them are important skills for today and into the future.

About this Activity:

Students learn how to develop safe passwords.

Guiding Questions:

Subconcepts:  Authentication/Logging In, Virus Protection

Additional Supporting Resources:

5 Internet Safety Tips for Kids Plus More Videos

Digital Law

Click below for lesson plan. 

Copy of (Edited by JV) 3-5 - COPYRIGHT AND YOU (formerly MEME GENERATOR)

At A Glance:

Digital Law refers to the electronic responsibility for actions and deeds and has to do with the creation of rules and policy that address issues related to the online world. Just as in the real world, the online world has had to create structure to protect those using these digital devices from harm. 

About this Activity:

Students learn about "fair use" and practice essential skills to search safely on the internet.

Guiding Questions: 

Subconcepts: Copyright, Digital Worms/Viruses/Trojan Horses, Identity Theft, Children's Internet Protection Act (CIPA)

Additional Supporting Resources:

How to Teach Copyright and Fair Use to Students

SAFE Backpack Artifact Opportunities

AFTER completing the three SAFE Digital Citizenship lessons above, students will have opportunities to apply their digital citizenship skills to create a backpack artifact to show what they have learned.  

Click below for JCPS Backpack Artifact Opportunities.

Copy of SAFE - 3-5 - PSA Video

How might we protect ourselves and others in order to be SAFE?

The content and activities in the SAFE series provided time to be reflective of your thoughts, ideas and actions while considering how they are influenced by and affect others. 

This project is designed for students to leverage their success skills to demonstrate the importance of being SAFE in a digital world. 


Creating a Public Service Announcement, or PSA, is a great way to advocate for safe amounts of screen time AND practice observing the laws around fair use and copyright.

Using what they know and have experienced in the previous lessons on Screen Time, Password Protection and Fair Use have students write, design, and produce a a public service announcement about being SAFE digital citizens.