Respecting Yourself As A Digital Citizen

Digital Communication & Collaboration | Digital Etiquette | Digital Rights & Responsibilities

Digital Communication & Collaboration

Click below for lesson plan.


At A Glance:

Digital Communication and Collaboration are the electronic exchanges of information. All users need to define how they will share their thoughts so that others understand the message.

About this Activity:

Students think about different purposes of social media and the impacts. Does social media they use "enable people to interact" or "share and consume information"?

Guiding Questions

  • Are there reasons your school would benefit from an enhanced social media presence?

  • Are social media skills (how to use it responsibly) emphasized in your school? How is social media addressed, if at all?

  • What "network effects" exist within your school culture?

Subconcepts: Network Effect, Forums/Discussion Boards, Social Media

Additional Supporting Resources:

Digital Etiquette

Click below for lesson plan.

Copy of (Edited by JV) 9-12 SOCIAL TROLLING

At A Glance:

Digital Etiquette refers to electronic standards of conduct or procedures and has to do with the process of thinking about others when using digital devices.

About this Activity:

Students begin to understand trolls, the impact of trolling, and how to successfully deal with them.

Guiding Questions

  • Have you ever experienced trolling in an online community? If so, did you recognize it as trolling? How did the troll's actions make you feel?

  • How might students feel if they come across an internet troll?

  • How might students act as trolls in online school communities? Or other online communities? How could this be addressed?

  • What actions can you take to defend yourself or others against online harassment?

  • What process should students follow if they are harassed online?

  • What parts of school culture could help decrease harassment and empower those who encounter it?

Subconcepts: Harassment, Flaming, Trolling

Additional Supporting Resources:

Digital Rights and Responsibilities

Click below for lesson plan.

Copy of (no changes requested) 9-12 SOCIAL INTERNET BILL OF RIGHTS

At A Glance:

Digital Rights & Responsibilities are are those requirements and freedoms extended to everyone in a digital world. This area of Digital Citizenship is about helping you understand that when you are provided opportunities, such as the access to the Internet and use of online products, you need to be diligent in helping others as well, such as informing adults of potential problems.

About this Activity:

Students consider the impact of an internet bill of rights.

Guiding Questions

Why are rights important?

If you were to create an Internet Bill of Rights, what would be your main priorities?

Subconcept: Internet Bill of Rights

Additional Supporting Resources:

SOCIAL JCPS Backpack Artifact Opportunities

AFTER completing the three SOCIAL Digital Citizenship lessons above, students will have opportunities to apply their digital citizenship skills to create a JCPS Backpack Artifact to show what they have learned.

Click below for JCPS Backpack Artifact Opportunities.

Copy of (no changes requested) SOCIAL - 9-12 - Infographic

How might being respectful of ourselves and others influence being SOCIAL?

The content and activities in the SOCIAL series provided time to be reflective of your thoughts, ideas and actions while considering how they are influenced by and affect others.

This project is designed for students to leverage their success skills to demonstrate the importance of being SOCIAL in a digital world.


Students create an infographic to demonstrate how to respect themselves and others in a digital world. Infographics are visually stimulating ways to present data/information in a simplified and understandable manner.