How can I connect with my family & others in a positive way with technology?


Technology can be a headache. However, it also has the power to transform family activities, change the way you communicate with each other, and capture memories.


CLICK IMAGES to explore resources related to family technological experiences.

17 Positive Ways Families Can Use Social Media Together

Many caregivers and educators turn to Smart Social to learn about the negative impacts of social media on teens and tweens. However, there are also many positive impacts social media can have on families.

Are you wondering how families can use technology in a positive way to make a connection between caregivers and students? We asked 16 parents and tech experts for their ideas and tips for how to incorporate technology into your family time.

13 Ideas for Using Video Chat with Kids

My daughter was five and had just gotten over her first stomach bug. A few days afterward, she and my mom were on video chat when Ella shared her new, favorite game: Making her toy ponies throw up. She held a pony carefully in front of the camera and then bent it over and made retching sounds. My mom — forever the most patient and supportive Grammy ever — held a teddy bear on screen and made him throw up too. The two of them carried on for a few more minutes. Witness the magic of video chat!

How to Bond with Students over Video Games

While your students may enjoy an old-school board game now and then, most kids today would rather control pixilated characters than colored plastic gingerbread men and die-cast Scotty dogs. Don't worry, playing video games is actually a great way to bond with your kids. Video games are generally more interactive than board games and will undoubtedly hold your attention longer, especially if your learners are small (trust us, a game of Chutes and Ladders doesn't take nearly as long as you remember).


Ask your student the questions below to spark conversation about ways to bond with technology.


  • What is your favorite technology to use? Why?

  • Would you like to use video chat to talk to (friend, family member)?

  • What technology would be fun to use together?


  • How do you like using technology with our family?

  • What technology do you wish we used more together? Why?

  • How could we use technology together to connect or have fun?
