How can I help my student deal with cyberbullying?


Cyberbullying is the use of digital-communication tools (such as the Internet and cell phones) to make another person feel angry, sad, or scared, usually again and again. (Learn about the different roles kids play in a cyberbullying situation.)

Examples of cyberbullying include sending hurtful texts or instant messages, posting embarrassing photos or video on social media, and spreading mean rumors online or with cell phones.

If you're trying to figure out whether your student is being cyberbullied, think about whether the offender is being hurtful intentionally and repeatedly. If the answer is no, the offender might simply need to learn better online behavior. If the answer is yes, take it seriously.

Common Sense Media


CLICK IMAGES to explore resources related to cyberbullying.

How do I protect my young learner from Cyberbullying?

The ability to read, write, and communicate with others opens up new online social opportunities for kids. If they're using social features on apps, on mobile devices, or in online games, they could be exposed to name-calling, teasing, or cyberbullying, but explaining the basics of kind, responsible, and safe online behavior will help protect them.

Is It Cyberbullying? If not, then what?

Being bullied can happen from time to time, and often carries over into the online world. And though insults, exclusion, and even all-out aggression don't always meet the technical definition of cyberbullying -- ongoing, targeted harassment via digital communication tools over a period of time -- they still hurt.

Cyberbullying: What Is It and How To Stop It

Cyberbullying is bullying with the use of digital technologies. It can take place on social media, messaging platforms, gaming platforms and mobile phones. It is repeated behavior, aimed at scaring, angering or shaming those who are targeted.


Here are some questions to consider asking your student to spark conversation about this topic.


  • Do you every see friends saying mean things online to other people?

  • What do you do when this happens?

  • Would you feel comfortable telling me or a trusted adult if this was happening to you or a friend?

  • Have you ever had to leave an online game or app because someone posted something mean or inappropriate to you?


  • Does cyberbullying happen a lot? Would you feel, comfortable telling me if it happened to you?

  • Have you ever had to delete a post on your page what was written by someone else?

  • Do you ever argue or post hurtful updates on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter, or other social media platforms? Why?

  • Do you ever get verbally attacked during online games? What do you do when this happens?

  • Have rumors ever started about you or a friend based on something posted online?

  • Do you feel like your school takes cyberbullying seriously?

  • Do you know how to report cyberbullying at school?
