How can I keep my student safe online?

Understand lists the top online threats to your student as:

  • Cyberbullying: More than 36% of kids age 12–17 have been cyberbullied at some point in their life, and nearly 15% have bullied someone else online. Cyberbullying is any aggressive, threatening, or mean-spirited activity conducted via electronic communication (email, social media posts, text messages, etc.).

  • Online predators: Adults who use the internet to entice children for sexual or other types of abusive exploitation are considered online predators.

  • Exposure to inappropriate content: Inappropriate content is one of the most common online threats that kids encounter. Everything from vulgar language and hate speech to graphically violent or sexual images can have a harmful effect on an impressionable child.


CLICK IMAGES to review these resources for information about keeping your student safe online.

Parents' Ultimate Guide to Parental Controls

Parental controls can support you in your efforts to keep your kids' internet experiences safe, fun, and productive. They work best when used openly and honestly in partnership with your learner -- not as a stealth spying method.

The Facts About Online Predators

Of course it's natural to be concerned when your student goes into an unknown world. But instead of acting out of fear, arm yourself with the facts so that you can help your learner be smart, cautious, and savvy.

A Guide for Trusted Adults

Of course it's natural to be concerned when your learner goes into an unknown world. But instead of acting out of fear, arm yourself with the facts so that you can help your learner be smart, cautious, and savvy.


Here are some questions to consider asking your student to spark conversation about this topic.


Reassure them that you’re interested in their life. Recognise that they’ll be using the internet for many different things. You could ask about:

  • What are your favorite things to do online?

  • If their favorite activity is YouTube, what do they enjoy watching?

  • What games do you like to play and why?

  • Do you ever talk with anyone online that you don't know in real life (IRL)?

  • You shouldn’t give your phone number or address to a stranger on the street. Is somebody online you don’t know any different?


  • What should you do if someone you don't know contacts you online?

  • What if they seem harmless and nice? Or what if they seem to know things about you?

  • What if they just want one picture, your Snapchat handle, or your phone number so you can text each other? I mean, they don't know where you live, right? How dangerous could that be?

  • What if you feel like you've gotten to know someone really well online and they ask to meet in real life?
