Logical Inquiry Passage


Senior Capstone Grad uation Requirement

Review of Literature

The Review of the Literature is a document created by every student as part of the lab report for this Passage area. This document reviews at least three studies done that are similar to the study the student is proposing.

(This is a new requirement and may not be reflected in this year's Night of Exhibition presentations)


Students have several options to design experiments to help them find an answer to their research question or to test their hypotheses:

* Explore the effects of science on society. Research and discover how a particular aspect of science affects society and people’s lives. Students must present their findings in a formal paper.

* Integrate or apply science. Explain how something works or why something happens by integrating scientific concepts or principles from two or more fields of science. Students may also create a working model.  Findings will be shared in a formal paper.

* Conduct experimental research based on a hypothesis. Carry out a study or experiment using a hypothesis, control, variables, and experimental design. The type and scope of analysis will depend on the data collected. Results from research involving surveys or opinion or attitude polls are derived from statistical or numerical analysis.

* Conduct naturalistic research based on case studies. Select a field of study, observe and record observations over time, then draw conclusions. Findings will be reported in a formal paper.


Documentation is dependent upon the type of research being done to answer the student's research question or to draw a conclusion based on the student's hypothesis.

Students are expected to write a lab report to communicate their findings. You can use the template linked here to guide what you need.

Writing the Proposal or Wrap-Up

Before you start

  • Preparation includes both in-school experiences, such as science, cooking, and art classes and out-of-school experiences, such as PLAID Days, reading, observations, work and trips. It may also include formal activities, such as seminars and Apprenticeships, as well as informal life experiences, like babysitting, problem-solving in relationships, animal training, car repair, etc.
  • Include documentation in your portfolio to show how you have developed skills in problem-solving and applying the scientific method.
  • Extensive consultation over a long period will help you understand logical inquiry in a variety of environments, prepare for the final demonstration, and assist you in overcoming the numerous obstacles and difficulties inherent in any Passage.

How to Write the Proposal for a Logical Inquiry Passage

How to Write the Wrap-Up for a Logical Inquiry Passage

The document is written, now what?
