Adventure Passage


Courage - Attempting to reach a goal in spite of fears. Identify the fears you have about this Passage and describe ways you can confront and overcome them.

Endurance - The ability to withstand difficulty with finesse. You must go beyond merely "surviving" to demonstrate strength and perseverance.

Intelligent Decision-Making - Responsibility in action. Show that you are able to consider important factors such as safety, support systems, itinerary, emotional and physical self-preservation, and contingency plans to deal with the unexpected. Show that you are able to do what you need to do, not only what you want to do.

Self-Reliance in an Unfamiliar Environment - The ability to apply skills and knowledge to new situations. Show how you will apply learning from past experiences to your quest. 

*If the Passage includes a trip, the usual "Reasonable and Prudent" procedures for school trips apply. These include informing parents/guardians and the Principal of potential risks and describing how they will be dealt with. The Advisor and Consultant will help student develop appropriate safety procedures. 

Writing the Proposal or Wrap-Up

How to Write the Proposal for an Adventure Passage

How to Write the Wrap-Up for an Adventure Passage

The document is written, now what?

Resources for Travel Planning

Safety First!

If planning a trip during the school year, you will need to set up a meeting with Scott B and your Advisor to go through these two documents.

