Global Awareness Passage


Senior Capstone Graduation Requirement

Research Paper

Students are required to complete a formal MLA-style research paper using resources and documentation to support a clearly defined thesis . The work for the Global Awareness Passage helps students to gain a global perspective on an issue of their choosing, but the research paper focuses on a particular aspect of the issue. 

Education of Others

Educating others can vary from person to person. It could include a Governance presentation, organizing a Day of Dialogue, teaching a class, creating a website, initiating a letter-writing campaign, or in some way raising the awareness of others about the chosen issue.

Community Service

To successfully complete the Global Awareness Passage, students are encouraged to engage their heads, hearts, and hands. To "create the world that ought to be" students are asked to find ways to truly impact their chosen issue, either on a global or a local scale. To do so, students can become engaged in community service, participate in an apprenticeship, or organize an action which will positively impact their chosen issue.

Writing the Proposal or Wrap-Up

Before Writing the Proposal

  • Choose an issue about which you are passionate – one that affects your life and that you believe you can affect.
  • Try to find a topic that you have been exposed to in the past, through classes, trips, or personal life experiences.
  • Before attempting this Passage, you should have had experience in research, community service, and personal risk-taking. You should be able to demonstrate your ability to follow through with commitments.
  • A suggested requirement for this Passage is the Research Paper writing class.

How to Write the Proposal for a Global Awareness Passage

How to Write the Wrap-Up for a Global Awareness Passage

The document is written, now what?
