Weeks 9 & 10: 10/10-10/21

We had our first assembly on Friday, 10/14! All of the Elementary classes gathered in the old theater for 40 minutes to celebrate and highlight anything and everything Elementary! During the assembly, we

· began to practice norms for attending assembly,

· saw a slideshow of beginning-of-the-year trips and activities,

· heard IA students read poems about where they are from,

· watched and enjoyed Kara and Mark’s Secondary bluegrass class, “The Open Strings” perform a bluegrass classic,

· heard from Dianne about the Book Fair,

· explored a new mental health initiative called “Sources of Strength” with David and Louise, and

· sang and rocked out to “Best Day of My Life” as an entire Elementary!

· Our next assembly will be on Thursday, December 15th!

In other musical news, classes are continuing to sing and explore pitch and rhythm while playing pitched percussion instruments, Brazilian percussion instruments and ukuleles. Pre-k, Kindergarten and ELC classes read Peter Rabbit and learned about the percussion, string and wind families of instruments in preparation for their class trip next week. IA has begun working more deeply with O Passo and Brazilian percussion instruments, playing a basic funk rhythm on the tamborims, agogos, and surdos. Bridges students are continuing to explore and share musical interests while creating Musical Profiles and a class Playlist using Google Docs and Google Classroom.