Week 13: 11/8-11/12

We began the week taking a look at colors; how to mix and make them, and their relationships. Students began in Ari and Jana’s class began with a choice painting, using only primary colors. As they worked, we talked about students’ discoveries along the way, noticing the results of 2 primary colors mixing on the page. We named the primary and secondary colors, and students practiced mixing on the inside lids of their watercolor sets. All ELC classes made color wheels that contained primary and secondary colors (some included tertiary colors) and we talked about color relationships that we can see on the color wheel: complementary, cool and warm colors. Students began a choice project where they could use any color in their set, but their painting had to include at least 3 examples of colors that they mixed on their own. Next week, we’ll finish this project, then begin working with tempera paints.