College Visits

Take some time to visit college websites, participate in virtual college visits, come to EHS college visits, do in-person college visits if campuses are open, and attend college fairs where you hear about many different kinds of colleges.

When you travel through a town with a college, stop by and visit - even if you don't think you'd like to go there. It's good to see small and large campuses, rural and urban campuses, big sports schools and small liberal arts may surprise yourself with what feels the most comfortable! Colorado has a lot of good places to visit to get a feel for this - University of Denver and the University of Colorado Denver are good examples of urban universities, the University of Colorado Boulder and Colorado State University are good examples of large research universities, Colorado College is an excellent small liberal arts college, Western Colorado University and Colorado Mesa University are great examples of regional and/or rural campuses. It's fun to go around and see all the differences!