EHS Resources for Scholarships

EHS Resources for Scholarships

There are many articles about college finances, some of which you can find here.

In The Road Ahead's scholarships page, there are several resources for scholarships:

  • Search through the Scholarship Notebooks we have scanned into the site. They are organized by deadline date. You can also search through these in the College & Career Center.

  • Use one of the scholarship search engines/websites listed in the second section of the Scholarships page. We recommend you set up a separate email address for these search engines, because they will start bombarding you with advertising as well as pertinent scholarship information. You will enter specific information about yourself, to include random things like possibly height and heritage (there is a "tall person" scholarship), and the sites will start sending you information about possible scholarship matches.

  • Look through the list of highlighted scholarships at the bottom of the Scholarships page. For example, the College Board link will take you to another search engine for scholarships. Or, the Denver Foundation has many scholarships you can search through. Another example is the link to the TFS Scholarships, which have $41 million to give to students. I update these highlighted scholarships regularly as deadlines come and go.