
Questions may cover - spam emails, two-factor authentication, reCAPTCHA, common issues, steps individuals should take to protect their data, data privacy, ways to protect individual computers and computers managed by an organisation, policies or practices 

spam emails

"Apple spam" refers to fraudulent emails or messages impersonating Apple Inc. They aim to deceive recipients into providing personal information and often contain malicious links. Users should be cautious, verify the authenticity of such messages, and avoid clicking on suspicious links or sharing sensitive information. Report these messages as spam or phishing attempts.

How to Manage Spam E-mail with Apple Mail | 2016

To report spam or other suspicious emails that you receive in your,, or Inbox, send them to (Source | 2023)

two-factor authentication

Apple's Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is a security feature that provides an extra layer of protection for Apple ID and iCloud accounts. It requires users to verify their identity through a second method, typically a trusted device or phone number, in addition to their password. This added security measure helps prevent unauthorized access to Apple accounts and enhances overall account security.


CAPTCHAs (Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart) and reCAPTCHAs are both security measures designed to distinguish between human users and automated bots on websites and online services. They are used to prevent various forms of online abuse, such as spam, data scraping, and fraudulent activities.

reCAPTCHAs are a product of Google and use advanced machine learning techniques for risk assessment. 

Apple is introducing new tech in iOS 16 to let you skip CAPTCHAs | 2022

Apple introduced a feature called "Automatic Verification" in its iOS 16/iPadOS 16 and macOS 13 Ventura operating systems. This feature is designed to bypass traditional CAPTCHAs and offer a more user-friendly solution for verifying human users on websites and apps. 

How to bypass CAPTCHAs with Apple’s automatic verification | 2023


App Store Malware: Despite Apple's stringent app review process, some malicious apps have made it onto the App Store, potentially compromising user data and device security.

Steps Microsoft takes to deal with these issues?

Enhanced App Review Process: To address the issue of App Store malware, Apple has strengthened its app review process. They now conduct more rigorous checks on apps submitted for inclusion in the App Store. This includes scanning for potential malware and enforcing stricter guidelines for app developers, which helps reduce the likelihood of malicious apps making it onto the platform.

Regular Security Updates: Apple regularly releases security updates and patches for its operating systems, including iOS and macOS. These updates are designed to fix known vulnerabilities and protect users from potential threats. By providing these updates, Apple ensures that users can keep their devices secure and up to date.