
Computer Security 

Protecting computer systems, networks, and data from unauthorized access or damage. 

spam emails 

Unsolicited messages sent in bulk for advertising, phishing, or malware distribution. 

two-factor authentication 

Extra security layer requiring two forms of identification for account access.



Verifies users as human, not bots, using image challenges or puzzles. 

common issues 

Malware, data breaches, social engineering, weak passwords, and lack of awareness. 

steps individuals should take to protect their data 

Use strong passwords, enable 2FA, update software, avoid suspicious links, backup files, and be cautious online. 

data privacy 

Protecting personal and sensitive information from unauthorized access or disclosure. 

ways to protect individual computers 

Use antivirus software, firewalls, update software, avoid unknown sources, and be cautious online. 

ways to protect computers managed by an organisation 

Implement access controls, network security, encryption, regular audits, employee training, and incident response. 

policies or practices of a multi-national technology corporation* 

The policies or practices of a multi-national technology corporation typically include data privacy and security policies, guidelines for handling user data, regular security audits, security awareness training for employees, monitoring and detection of security threats, incident response plans, and adherence to relevant legal and regulatory requirements in different countries where they operate.