ByteDance (including TikTok)

ByteDance, the owner of TikTok, is exploring the use of AI in the form of a chatbot similar to ChatGPT. This chatbot, codenamed "Grace," is being developed within ByteDance's enterprise collaboration platform, Feishu (also known as Lark). It is in its early stages and is currently undergoing internal testing with a select group of employees. ByteDance's venture into generative AI with this chatbot follows a broader trend in the tech industry, with other companies like Baidu and Alibaba also working on similar projects. (source)


ByteDance, the company behind TikTok, has introduced a new chat app called Feiliao (Flipchat) as an alternative to the dominant WeChat in China. Unlike WeChat, which covers daily communication, payments, and more, Feiliao focuses on interest-based social interactions. Users can create forums and chat groups centered around their hobbies and interests. The app's aim is to connect people with similar interests, fostering diverse and interesting interactions. Feiliao is part of ByteDance's strategy to diversify its app offerings and compete with Tencent, with ByteDance's apps accounting for an increasing share of users' time spent on giant apps in China. (TechCrunch | 2019).


TikTok, the social media platform owned by ByteDance, is currently testing an AI chatbot named Tako. This chatbot, accessible through an icon on the app's interface, engages users in conversations, offers answers to inquiries, and provides content suggestions based on preferences. However, users should be cautious as the data inputted into Tako is shared with third-party service providers for generating responses. Although experimental, Tako has the potential to gather precise user data, enabling TikTok to deliver personalized content. The chatbot is restricted to users over 18 and its AI-generated responses may not always be accurate. This reflects TikTok's drive to incorporate AI-driven features for enhanced user engagement. (Source: Gulf Business, The Verge | 2023)


TikTok owner ByteDance, start-up Haomo.AI launch new infrastructure to boost autonomous driving push in world’s biggest car market (Source | 2023)

Policies, or Practices

ByteDance values AI ethics and fairness. They work on reducing biases in content recommendations and invest in AI research for safety and user well-being. 


Bytedance trains AI for content recommendation and moderation on TikTok.


Evaluation: Bytedance assesses AI performance using metrics like user engagement, video completion rates, and content removal accuracy.

Fine-Tuning: Bytedance fine-tunes AI models by adjusting content recommendation thresholds and moderation policies.

Testing: Bytedance conducts tests to evaluate the impact of AI changes on user video discovery and content safety.