Google (including Waymo) 

Waymo LLC, formerly known as the Google Self-Driving Car Project, is an American autonomous driving technology company headquartered in Mountain View, California. It is a subsidiary of Alphabet Inc., the parent company of Google. (Wikipedia | 2023)


The algorithms used by Waymo are taught using TPUs and the TensorFlow ecosystem on Google's cloud computing platforms. Both of these businesses have invested a lot of money into developing AI and ML models for their cars. One of the first businesses to employ neural networks for self-driving applications was Tesla.  (LinkedIn | 2023)

Source: Yahoo! Finance | 2023


Conversational AI refers to the use of artificial intelligence technologies to create and facilitate natural, human-like conversations between machines and humans. This technology aims to provide more engaging, intuitive, and interactive experiences for users.  (Google | 2023)

Google Bard is a large language model (LLM) chatbot developed by Google AI. Bard is trained on a massive dataset of text and code, and can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way. (SimpleLearn | 2023)

Policies and Practices

Google's Commitment to Responsible AI Advancement

Safety and Security in AI Systems

Building Trust in AI Systems

Addressing AI-Generated Content Challenges

Collective Responsibility and Collaboration

Keywords: AI commitment, responsible practices, societal challenges, security, safety, AI principles, transparency, trustworthy information, collaboration, responsible development.

Public Policy | 2023


Google trains AI for various applications, including search algorithms and self-driving cars.


Evaluation: Google evaluates search algorithms using user engagement metrics, click-through rates, and user satisfaction surveys.

Fine-Tuning: Google fine-tunes search algorithms by adjusting ranking parameters and incorporating user feedback.

Testing: Google tests algorithm changes on a subset of users to measure their impact before deploying them globally.