Site Visit

My site visit was a quick check in with Brandi, the director of LHSI; Dr. Shin, the leader of my site; and Alka, Dr. Shin's coordinator. I explained to Brandi the work I had been doing and Dr. Shin furthered my explanation with how she sees me being involved with the site in the future. Dr. Shin had wanted one of my projects completed in time to submit to an abstract writer to be sent to DDW conference but unexpected circumstances came up and I ended up not being able to finish it in time.

Going into this internship I was unsure how much I would be communicating with Dr. Shin directly. Since she had a coordinator, I expected to be speaking more with Alka than Dr. Shin herself. I was pleasantly surprised to find out Dr. Shin preferred to communicate directly with me and use Alka as needed. When I am a professional I would like to take after Dr. Shin in this aspect. I also admire how Dr. Shin gives feedback and the way she wants me to be involved as much as possible. Dr. Shin did not push me to the side and give me busy work. She has made sure I am comfortable with the task I was given as well as checking in on my personal life with school. I have truly appreciated Dr. Shin's guidance and I look up to her as an example of how I will be as a professional.