Career Goals

I am majoring in Biology and double minoring in Psychology and Chemistry with the intent of attending medical school. Medical school is the next step in my career goal to become a pediatric physician. I am unsure of the type of pediatric physician, however I know I want to work with kids because I have a passion for children.

I have chosen these goals with a mixture of what I am passionate about and what I am good at in mind. I love children and working with them and helping them but I also know I am good at science-related subjects. Biology and its real life applications fascinates me, specifically genetics. I find it more intriguing to chase after something that I am both good at and passionate about as opposed to just one or the other.

Given the rigor of courses required for both the Biology degree and Medical School, there are times I second guess if this career path is for me but at the end of the day I know I am doing well and I can achieve these goals I have set for myself. I know this because I have maintained an acceptable GPA as well as staying involved in extra-curriculars and doing this internship. I know that if I have made it this far I can continue on the same path and succeed.

I have used this internship as a way to explore the Gastrointestinal specialty. I know I want to work in Pediatrics but I am unsure if I want to subspecialize. While I have enjoyed my internship, I don't believe I would like to work in GI as a career.

As I am nearing the end of this internship, it has helped me solidify my career choice as a pediatric physician. It has also helped me decide that I do not want to go into gastroenterology. I do not have as much interest in this specialty as I thought I did. I thought there would be more to the specialty than just stool and the digestive system.

In the future I would like to shadow a variety of pediatric physicians to decide which specifically I would be leaning towards. I have a few connections in my neighborhood as well as my own pediatrician. Being in the field would help me confirm that I enjoy working with kids in a different environment other than babysitting.

I have also decided that I am more interested in research than I originally thought. When I become a doctor I would really like to be able to participate in research that may contribute to medical breakthroughs.

The mid-year workshop solidified my career choice and allowed me to realize self-care is becoming more crucial the further I get into it.

This semester I need to finish with all A's and a few B's if need be in order to keep my GPA strong for medical school applications next spring. I will finish out the rest of my necessary courses for medical school next year including Organic Chemistry II with lab, Biochemistry, Genetic and Molecular Biology with lab, as well as Cell Biology with lab. I will be taking Organic Chemistry I with lab over the summer so I will have Biochemistry completed in time for the MCAT next summer.