Work Experience

Until recently, my only work experience had been babysitting. I have been a babysitter since I was 15 years old. As a worker in child care I have many roles and responsibilities. I have taken care of children from birth to 13 years old. Feeding them dinner, giving bottles, consoling upset children, and building forts all fall under the job title "babysitter." I work with the parents to create structure and discipline regimens. I provide comfort and stability for the children, but not being a pushover. I build a sense of trust with the children so they respect me and trust me to take care of them and keep their best interest at heart. I love my babies so much and as tiring and frustrating as this job can be at times, my heart is filled when I have happy kids and can nurture that positive relationship.

As an apparel employee at Dick's Sporting Goods I have learned many different things that I would not have learned quite as well with babysitting. I learned proper communication, with both managers and other employees. If I can't work a day or need to switch a shift I know how to approach asking for time off or finding someone to switch with me. I also learned how to ask for help. Being a babysitter I do the majority of the work by myself. Some moms may prepare things in advance to help me out but once they walk out the door, I'm on my own. I had to learn that asking for help is acceptable and encouraged when you are working as a team to complete tasks. I have also learned how to deal with difficult customers which can be applied in other aspects of life, dealing with difficult people. I enjoy the interaction with various types of people and not necessarily doing the same thing every day. I also enjoy the organization aspect of my job (putting clothes back, sizing, tagging, etc).