
An unexpected lesson I had to learn was how to deal with disappointment. Not to say I have never had disappointment in my life, but this internship held bigger stakes. When I walked into the office one day, logged in, and realized all my work had been deleted I could have thrown a fit and been angry and pointed fingers but I did not do that. I accepted the reality of the situation and put in countless hours trying to recover two months worth of work. Although I did not meet the deadline for the conference, I was able to redo everything that had been deleted plus more in a week's time.

Starting this internship I didn't have a goal regarding disappointment but I appreciate this lesson I learned. It also taught me problem solving in a sticky situation.

After graduation I plan to attend Medical School to become a Pediatric Physician. I am still unsure of my sub-specialty that I will need to choose after Medical School and this internship has helped me decide if I want to become a Pediatric Gastroenterologist. I chose this internship based on the fact that I would leave it either loving or not enjoying gastroenterology and the nature of this field's content. All the work I have done with this internship and the projects I have completed have helped me in forming this decision.