
Growing up in the church, there were many people who had an impact on me birth-high school. I have a special place in my heart for children (specifically the littles) so I felt it was only right to give back and volunteer at my church. I attend Plainfield Christian Church and I work with the "movers." This demographic is babies who are crawling and walking but they're not quite 3 years old. Every other Sunday morning at 11am I am in room 102 with anywhere from 5 to 15 children. Their attention span is not quite long enough for a lesson but we turn Bible stories on the tv if they are interested. I give them so much love while their parents are worshipping or serving elsewhere in the church because I remember being in their position and being loved by the volunteers at church.

I started having health issues when I was 10 years old. Doctor after doctor and there were no answers. It was extremely frustrating. When I started college at IUPUI in the fall of 2019 I heard of an organization called Jagathon. I learned about what they stood for and how they made miracles happen. I knew I had to help give back, although not to the same hospital that helped me, I felt an internal drive to help other children have answers and maybe a second chance at life. I have since become more involved from when I originally joined. I am the tracking and social events chair on Committee Relations as well as a Jagathon Ambassador. As the tracking and social events chair I am in charge of keeping track of everyone's requirements (fundraising minimum, meeting attendance, and volunteer events) as well as planning the monthly social events for all of Jagathon. As a Jagathon Ambassador I act as the "middle man" between participants and directors/presidential board. I keep them updated on events and encourage them to fundraise to contribute to the number we hold up in April.