
Undergraduate Student Government

As an Undergraduate Student Government (USG) Senator I serve on the Health and Wellness committee and attend weekly meetings. USG is one of the largest student organizations on campus and mirrors the US government with executive, legislative, and judicial branches. USG functions as a representation of the student body and works to improve every facet of student life. I have supported the passing the "Pharmacy Vending Machine" bill and providing funding to Paws Pantry for a new software system. This improved Paws Pantry's ability to provide food to students in need.  I am currently working on initiatives to support students with special needs and improve healthcare access.

Honors College Student Council 

As a representative on the Honors College Student Council (HCSC) I attend weekly meetings to create inclusive events for students and provide funding to other organizations within the school. I have been involved in planning the first in-person honors college talent show since the pandemic.

Engineering and Technology Student Council

As a board member of Engineering and Technology Student Council (ETSC) I attend weekly meetings to create inclusive events for students and provide funding to other organizations within the school. I have been directly involved in planning "ET Week" where there are events like tabling, pizza with professors, and a dean's town hall everyday for a week.

Society of Women Engineers

As a board member of Society of Women Engineers (SWE) I attend monthly meetings and represent my school in an international organization. We create an inclusive environment for women in engineering, since we are often the minority. I act as a mentor for a freshman women in engineering and meet with her monthly as a part of this organization as well. It is really rewarding to introduce a new college student to STEM and help them through the life changes they experience as a new college student and adult.