Honors Projects

New BME Problems.docx
Unethical Sociology Experiments .docx

Designing a New Teaching Lab

In the fall of 2021 I completed an honors project where I developed a new teaching lab in my biomechanics class. This lab incorporated a visual representation and analysis of torsion, which had previously not been incorporated into the lab curriculum. This was accomplished by my group using CAD and the physics taught in class to develop an affordable 3D printed device that could experience multiple loads at one time. In the future, other biomedical engineering students can benefit from this visual representation of a complex mechanical process.

Creating Biomedical Circuit Analysis Problems

In the spring of 2022 I completed an honors project where I developed a set of biologically relevant circuit analysis problems for my biomeasurements class. I chose problems from the textbook and modified them to be biology based, like comparing a circuit to the circulatory system. This project required I have a good understanding of the material and a good understanding of biology which involved research outside of class. In the future, other biomedical engineering students should benefit from practicing these problems as they will develop a better understanding of the applications of circuit analysis to the body

Unethical Sociology Experiments Review

In the fall of 2022 I completed an honors project where I wrote a 10-page paper on past unethical sociology experiments. This involved a discussion of current ethical standards, a summary of each experiment, and potential solutions for each ethical issue in each experiment. This project required I have a good understanding of ethics and sociology, as well as research and organization skills.