Design Projects

On this page, the engineering projects I have completed at IUPUI  over the past 2 years are chronologically listed, with papers attached. Feel free to check them out!

Building A Fracture Fixation Device- Fall 2021

Design Project 2

In the Fall of 2021 I completed a team design project with two other students to build a fracture fixation device. This device had to fit specifications for specific screw sizes and load-bearing abilities. This project improved my skills in CAD, teamwork, and mechanical analysis.

Building An Electromyograph-Spring 2022

In the Spring of 2022 I completed a team design project with one other student to build an electromyograph. This device had to fit specifications for interfacing with electrodes on a person's arm and measuring the small voltages produced by muscle contraction. This project improved my skills in circuit analysis using operational amplifiers, organization, and troubleshooting.

 Cytotoxicity Test of Biomaterials-Fall 2022

Cell Project Abstract.docx

In the Fall of 2022 I completed a team design project with two other students to measure the cytotoxicity of PEGMA.  This project improved my skills in cell culture, MTT assay, statistical analysis, and professional writing. 

Building a Spectrophotometer-Fall 2022

Spec Project 1.docx

In the Fall of 2022 I completed a team design project with two other students to build a spectrophotometer. This device had to fit specifications for measuring differences in absorbance and using a graphical user interface (GUI) to generate concentration values. This project improved my data analysis, GUI creation, and problem-solving skills.

Signals and Systems Interpretation- Fall 2022


In this paper a differential equation model was developed based on measured drug concentrations in the body. Once this model had been confirmed as accurate, the model was then tested using different dosages of the drug.

annotated-Biosignals%20Project%202.docx (1).pdf

In this paper fourier series and transforms were used to describe skeletal muscle behavior through summed voltages and calcium quantities. This paper involved heavy usage of matlab and simulink to analyze the model given at different frequencies. 


In this paper LTIC systems and bode plots were utilized to create a hearing aid for a patient with hearing loss at specific frequencies. 

Hodgkin-Huxley Model Investigations-Fall 2022-Spring 2023

HH_1 (1).docx

This paper involved research into the background of the Hodgkin-Huxley Model as well as recreation of the model in MATLAB.

HH_2 (2).docx

This paper involved threshold and steady state analysis of the Hodgkin-Huxley model as well as application of the Hodgkin-Huxley model to animals besides the giant squid.

Stats Project 1 Report.docx

In this paper a probabilistic model was developed for an individual ion-gated channel and compared to the Hodgkin-Huxley model.

Drug Pump System Development-Spring 2023

Drug Pump Paper

This project involves characterizing 3 peristaltic pumps and creating a python code to control pump flow using a raspberry pi. There were several specifications to follow including maintaining a proper concentration and flow to the patient as well as time and volume limits for mixing the drug. I learned more about coding in python, circuit building, and time-management from this project.

Biostatistics and Experimental Design-Spring 2023

Stats Project 1.docx

This project involved designing an experiment of my choice with at least 3 different adaptations of a variable. The data was then analyzed with an ANOVA test and IEEE standard was followed. This project taught me about collecting unbiased data and statistical significance.

Quantitative Physiology Controller Design-Fall 2023

Copy of Quant Project Paper

The goal of this project was to develop a mathematical model of a physiological system and then develop and implement a controller to treat a disease afflicting that physiological system. My team and I chose to model the pulmonary system and develop a controller to treat moderate obstructive sleep apnea using Automatic Adjusting Positive Airway Pressure or APAP. By implementing a PI controller which would control the air pressure of an APAP machine, we were able to increase the hemoglobin oxygen saturation or SpO2 of the simulated patient. This project developed my skills using Matlab and Simulink as well as my understanding of controller theory.

Development of a Specialized Pelvic Binder Senior Design-Fall 2023


At this point my team and I are halfway through our year long capstone project where we are attempting to design a pelvic binder that will stabilize a fractured pelvis while allowing for femoral artery access at the femoral head. This design change creates access that allows interventional radiologists to repair arterial bleeds in the pelvis without removing the pelvic binder. This should improve patient safety by decreasing the risk of destabilizing the patient which could occur if the current pelvic binder design were in use. Current pelvic binders must be removed to access the femoral artery safely. Thus far we have developed two prototypes as well as a drafted protocol for testing the prototypes. Additionally, we have researched our approach into the market and developed a complete trace matrix to guide our investigations this semester. Hopefully I will be able to provide pictures of our final product at the end of the semester.