Fun With Fitness

Upper Elementary:

Fitness unit- 10 lessons

During fitness unit, students are will attempt each fitness at least once

Each student will be given several tries to improve on their fitness assessment

  • 3, 4 and 5th grade fitness assessment
  • Pacer
  • Flex arm hang
  • Curl ups
  • Push ups

During the 10 fitness lesson PE team will touch on aerobic fitness and which muscle group is being worked during each test. The importance of water/hydration on fitness performance

Lower Elementary:

Focus on several mini fitness circuits and games promoting flexibility, strength, cardiovascular endurance, speed and muscular endurance. Students are also introduced to concepts of been able to identify when their body and heart is working hard and when they are resting.

Below are a series of short videos that demonstrate and explain each of the testing and exercise components of the fitness unit.

Rockers - Prep - Grade 2




Sit Ups - Grade 3 -5

Curl-Up Test.mp4

Pacer Test - Grade 3 - 5

Pacer Test.mp4

Flexed Arm Hang

Flex Arm Hang.mp4

Pacer Test With Visual