
Student welfare encompasses the overall well-being of students. ISH provides a healthy and safe learning environment where children feel secure and are listened to, taken seriously and responded to appropriately.

Child/Student Protection

Students at ISH have the right to thrive and be free from abuse. It is the responsibility of the school community to protect children’s rights and work together to promote healthy growth, through care, awareness, education and dialog. They have the right to be heard and involved when appropriate.

More information about Child Protection at ISH and the Student Wellbeing Team is available on the 'Wellbeing' page on the school website.  

Medical Needs

It is the responsibility of parents to inform the school of their child’s medical needs. If a child has a illness, condition or allergy that requires specific treatment (for example, medication), then a safety plan is created with home and school. The parents are responsible for training the appropriate teachers each year if required.

The school is not allowed to administer any oral medication without the parents' permission, including aspirin and panodil. If a student is on regular medication, the class teacher must be notified of the condition and informed about any specific instructions. A safety plan is made if necessary.


The school requires information from families about any specific health requirements. It is the responsibility of the family to inform and educate the school on these needs. If necessary, a Medical Safety Plan is created and shared with teachers of the student. Students who are ill or suspected of being ill are requested to remain at home. If required, the student may need to go home, and contact the doctor if necessary, in order to reduce the potential infection of others.

If a student has been sick, they should only be returned to school if they are no longer contagious, have a normal temperature without medication for 24 hours, and are healthy enough to take part in the whole school day. Some illnesses require a further stay away from school (for example, can only return to school 24 hours after a fever has gone). Parents must notify the school if they are aware that the illness is contagious so we can notify other parents.


Students in Denmark are eligible for free dental care through their school dentist at public schools. We do not have a school dentist but you can call your local council (kommune) for information about where your child’s dentist is located. 


The school health service is run by a health visitor (an educated nurse and child specialist) appointed by the local municipality (Kommune). You can find more information on the school website. There are no health visitors for the high school. 

Further Information on Wellbeing (Primary and Middle School)

Physical Health and Education

All students are expected to participate in physical education (PHE) as this is an essential component of a child’s holistic development. Primary School students use the facilities at The Institute for the Blind and Partially Sighted (Rymarksvej 1), a 7-minute walk from the school. The facilities are shared with other organisations including the Blind Institute.

Students must wear appropriate sports clothing (i.e. exercise shorts or pants, t-shirts or sports jerseys, etc.) and indoor shoes.

All children should have at least an hour of outside play every day, in all kinds of weather. It’s important that all students are prepared for outdoor play in Denmark, in the different seasons.

For Early Years students, please refer to our Danish Outerwear Guide (on the school website) for recommended seasonal outerwear. 

Nut-free Hellerup Campus

In order to reduce the risk of a life-threatening situation for ISH community members, the Hellerup Campus is now nut-free.

Key information:

How do all ISH families help keep all children safe?

These products are not brought to school:

In addition to this:

If your child is in a class with another child with severe allergic reactions, you will be informed at the start of the school year, and given more specific information.

Lice Policy

International School of Hellerup has a “no-nit” policy. Parents should routinely (weekly) check their own children, especially if their child is exposed to lice. If lice or nits are found in the student’s hair while at school, the family will be called so that they are aware and can take the child home if appropriate.

If the child has lice, the whole family needs to be checked, but only the people with lice need treatment. Treatment requires a specific type of shampoo that can be bought at a pharmacy.  Pillow and bed sheets, couches, and other materials which might contain lice should also be checked.

When the school gives notice about lice, all parents should check their children. The school helps with prevention by cleaning any materials which may be exposed to lice, communicating to parents each time lice occurs, and sending children with lice home.


At ISH we encourage healthy eating. A nutritious, well-balanced diet is essential for the day and learning - cakes, cookies and candy etc. are not allowed for snacks or lunches. We enjoy our mealtimes together and take this opportunity to talk about what helps our bodies grow healthy and strong.

You can find a help sheet here: ISH PYP Snack & Lunchtime Help Sheet

For birthdays, families can bring in something to share with the class (PYP1-PYP5 MYP?). It is preferred to bring pre-packaged snacks, and we discourage candy/sweets. You can find suggestions for alternative gifts and celebrations under the Birthdays sections in the Primary School and Middle School programme specific information. For all Early Years classes, there is no need to bring anything from home as each class provides what is needed to celebrate your child's birthday. 

Students leaving campuses (for example Middle School students during break time) must not bring junk food onto campus and should make healthy choices.

Fasting (Hellerup Campus)

Here is a guide for students of families that observe fasting due to cultural beliefs and practices:

Wellbeing Resources

Cyklleg for børn (Dansk).pdf
Bike Games (English).pdf