Inclusion and Specialist Support

Inclusion and Specialist Support

Student Support Services (SSS)

The Student Support Services consist of the school health service and the school psychologist. At ISH, a student’s academic achievement, as well as physical and psychological development is crucial to a positive and enriching school experience. The purpose of the student support services (SSS) is to nurture physical and psychological development and equip the students with the skills they need to fully integrate into the school community, access the curriculum, and lead healthy and happy lives.

Learning Support

The level of support required is based on our assessment and identification practices, as outlined in the school’s Inclusion Policy, which is available for download from this page on the school website.

In some cases, we require additional fees in order to provide the support. The fees have been kept as low as possible. The various levels of support and accompanying fees are described here.

English as an Additional Language, (EAL)

English as an Additional Language (EAL) Programme at ISH, supports students whose primary or secondary language is not English, enabling them to develop the necessary reading, writing, speaking and listening skills to be successful in school.

Individual needs and the number of students requiring assistance determine how the programme is delivered. EAL classes take place after school hours. The EAL Program strives to be as integrated into the students’ regular schedule as possible. You can red and learn more about the EAL program in here.