EdVisions Off Campus

Mission: EOC offers students throughout Minnesota a personalized, project-based learning experience, leading to adults who can achieve their goals, explore their passions, and find their place in the world.

Contact Information: EdVisions Off Campus

P.O. Box 307 Henderson, MN 56044

Office (507) 248-3101

Co-Directors: Gigi Dobosenski, gigi@edvisionsoffcampus.org & Cathy Diaz, cathy@edvisionsoffcampus.org

Brief Profile:

Enrollment: 112 students

Grades served: Grade 7-Grade 12

Innovation(s): Online Learning (real-time), project based, teacher centered

NGAPS Focus:

EdVisions would like to understand how to better use the data and tools that they already have in place. The faculty team is considering modifying student and parent satisfaction survey tools to better align with the school's strategic plan. EdVisions is a smaller school, which presents a challenge to them when developing goals and collecting valid and reliable data. Another area that EdVisions would like to explore through the NGAPS project is how to refine and use their rubric to measure student achievement of "21st Century Skills" such as critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication.

Assessment Consultant: Dr. Jon Mueller