BlueSky Online

Mission: Bringing quality online education and diverse learners together.

Contact Information: BlueSky Online

33 Wentworth Avenue East, Suite 100, West St. Paul, MN 55118

Office (651) 642-0888

Amy Larsen, Executive Director,

Brief Profile:

Enrollment: ~500 students

Grades served: Grade 7-Grade 12

Innovation(s): Online Learning, individualized instruction, working towards achieving "compassionate school" status

NGAPS Focus:

BlueSky Online is focusing its pilot work in developing its instruction and assessments that measure social emotional learning outcomes. They are additionally looking at collecting data on credit completion/attainment and course progression to create an alternative measure of student progress. The staff at the school will be prioritizing their time and efforts on one specific area to pilot and are working with Dr. Mueller to develop the implementation process as well as rubrics to collect and analyze student data.

Assessment Consultant: Dr. Jon Mueller