
Our software and code is run on vscode. Our code is on Github

Possible Improvements :

Solutions for powering the hood:

Commands Folder: Commands perform high-level robot functions using the systems defined by subsystems. “CommandScheduler” notices scheduled commands as being in one of three states: initializing, executing, or ending. These states can be done through “initialize()”, “execute()”, and “end()” methods. Isfinished triggers when a command is done.

Subsystems Folder: The subsystem folder puts all the components together. Each subsystem is a collection of robot hardware that operates together as a unit. You can encapsulate parts of the code meaning to hide and not have it appear to the public.  

Main.Java: Initialize the function

Robot.Java: The “” handles enabling and disabling. 

RobotContainer: “” shows which buttons and joystick affects the mechanism in the robot.