Infinite Recharge - Scouting

Overall Goal of the Robot: To compete in the game infinite recharge, by performing well in qualification matches, pairing with two other teams to form an alliance, and winning the best ⅔ playoff bracket.

Scouting Goals: Designing and coordinating the use of a scouting database at competitions; important because it provides information about other team’s capabilities, which is used to determine match strategy and alliance selections.

Specific challenge/improvement: Figure out a system to collect statistics from each robot to help figure out how to win the tournament.

In each match there are 6 robots: 3 red and 3 blue

Each Robot can be scouted to determine its effectiveness

Scouting Questions

Each Scouting report gets sent to a spreadsheet which can be used to compile statistics over multiple matches

To test our scouting system we assigned team members to review videos from last years event

Granite State District Event

Here are the Match assignments:

This is where the results from the form come in. They are organized into what question they were respectively answered.

This is the website from which we get the information for the form.

This is a snapshot of the spreadsheet used to figure out which robot is the best; this is called the "Pick List".