Year 6

Welcome back! We trust that you and your children had a fantastic winter break and are now rejuvenated and eager to continue their exciting year at Rockliffe Manor. We are thrilled to present the Year 6 curriculum newsletter for the spring term, where you can explore the incredible learning opportunities that await your children during this upcoming period.


We will be using our core text, "The Other Side of Truth", to write creatively using a range of writing techniques and to create a newspaper article exposing the corruption of the governing officials in Lagos Nigeria.


Our learning in maths will move through different units this half term, including calculating area and perimeter of shapes, measuring and classifying angles and interpreting data from graphs.


Our learning in Science will continue to be centred around healthy lifestyles and the role of the heart and circulatory system.


In History we will be answering the question of " Should the Benin Bronzes have been returned?" by learning about the the Anicent Benin empire from the 13th century.


In Computing we will be learning about different types of Esafety and different computing systems and networks. 


In RE we will be continuing to learn about different types of places of worship in Greenwich and the significance of beliefs. 


In PE, we will be developing our understanding of rhythmic gymnastics. The children will also be developing their skills in football with a focus on passing and movement.


In Art, the children will be creating repeated patterns using the technique of printing. They will be using patterns found across the continent of Africa as inspiration for their design.


In French, the children will be recapping their knowledge of modes of transport and verbs.


In Music, the children will be answering the question "How Does Music Connect Us with Our Past?" The children will also design and make their own Creative Compositions.


In RHE, we will be continuing to learn about health and wellbeing with a focus on a healthy lifestyle. We will also be looking at how online relationships should be treated the same as face to face relationships.