Year 3

Welcome back! We hope you had a lovely restful break and are exciting for our time ahead together! We are thrilled to present the Year 3 curriculum newsletter for the first half of the spring term, where you can explore the incredible learning opportunities that await your children during this upcoming period. You will also see the words that will be used for the spelling assessments this half term.


In English, we will be reading 'Hidden Figures', an empowering true story focusing on 4 black women who worked with NASA to ensure a safe adventure into space. Through this, we will be writing a newspaper article focusing on reporting news and documenting history.


In Maths, we will be focusing on fractions and length. We will recognise different fractions and be able to compare them to eah other. Afterwards, we will learn about measurement and be able to compare and add lengths together. 


This half term's science topic is 'plants' where we will observe how plants grow and we will be carrying out experiments to see which conditions change the growth of a plant as well as how water is transported through a plant. We will ultimately discuss the question: 'What different roles do the parts of a plant have?'


In geography, we will be learning about rivers, in particular we will be exploring the functions of a river and how they are formed, specifically The River Thames. We will be introduced to rivers around the world and how they vary in different countries. We will research various aspects of the topic in order to discuss the question: ' How does The River Thames influence life in London now and in the past?'


The children will be exploring how digital devices have changed the way we work. From this, we will learn about the physical components of a network, input/output devices and how digital devices can be connected.


This half term in R.E, we will be exploring the importance of the various religious festivals in Islam. We will learn about the Islamic calendar and the importance of fasting during Ramadan. We will then answer the question: "Why are Islamic celebrations important to muslims around the world?" 


This year, PE will be split into two sessions per week to keep in line with the DfE guidance of 90 minutes of PE per week. We will be applying dancing and handball skills. 


In DT, we will be focusing on abstract art with the focus of artist Hilma Af Klint. We will be using various mediums to create our art pieces and use the colour scheme of the galaxy to inspire us to create an abstract piece linking to our English topic of space.


The children will be using Charanga to consider how music can help us resolve friendship issues as well as making peace with any conflicts.


In French, we will be learning about fruit and numbers above 10 as well as how to give an opinion on somthing. 


In RHE, we will be learning about changing bodies and our personal health.

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