Year 4

Welcome back! We trust that you and your children had a fantastic winter break and are now rejuvenated and eager to continue their exciting year at Rockliffe Manor. We are thrilled to present the Year 4 curriculum newsletter for the first half of the spring term, where you can explore the incredible learning opportunities that await your children during this upcoming period. You will also see the words that will be used for the spelling assessments this half term.


This half term in English, we will be using the magical story; 'Tamarind and The Star Of Ishta' written by Jasbinder Bilan. The children will create their own travel brochures using Google Sites.  


In Maths, the children will be learning mixed number fractions. They will be adding and subtracting fractions before moving onto decimals. 


This half term the children will be learning about animals including humans. They will investigate the digestive system before looking at the functions of teeth. 


In Geography, children will be comparing the United Kingdom to China and Italy. They will research about the Silk Road and understand how trade worked. 


In Computing, year 4 will be looking at coding. They will be learning how to create algorithims and create their own online game. 


RE learning will focus on the importance of the Gurdwara to Sikhs. The children will be researching and learning how Sikhs use the Gurdwara. 


This year, PE will be split into two sessions per week to keep in line with the DfE guidance of 90 minutes of PE per week. Year 4 will have an indoor session focusing on the skills within gymnastics and an outdoor session of using tatical thinking in a game. 


This half term, the children will be looking into drawing and collage to create their very own self portraits. The class will draw inspiration from the Cubism movement. 


The children will be musicians of their own right this half term as they begin to develop pulse and groove through improvisation. 


In French, the children will begin to name school subjects as well understand a short text using familar language they have developed throughout their French learning. 


Within RHE, the children will be looking at the topic citizenship. The children will discuss the role of different people in a community. 

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