Year 2

Welcome back, we hope you had a good half term break and are as excited as we are for the next part of the learning journey.  In the newsletter you will be able to explore all the exciting learning as well as the words which will be used in our weekly spellings.

Year 2 have an exciting term ahead, where they will learn about measurement including length and heigh, mass, volume and temperature. 

Our new core text Starbird will offer opportunities for children to infer characters emotions and build their persuasive writing skills. 


In English, our writing will be inspired by our core text 'Starbird' by Sharon King-Chai. Throughout the learning journey, we will be inferring characters emotions and feelings throughout the book and using these to help them write a persuasive letter to one of the characters. 


This half term, we will be looking at how we can measure and compare objects in centimetres and metres. We will then move onto measuring mass in grams and kilos, starting with looking at what is heavier or lighter and then using scales to record the weight of an object. We will also look at volume and capacity including millilitres and litres. 


In science, we are continuing with 'Animals including Humans'. Focusing on life cycles and the different stages within this.  We will also be highlighting similarities and differences in life cycles of a range of animals. 

                      Knowledge Organiser


This half term we are continuing our learning about a significant figure in recent history called Nelson Mandela. We will be highlighting key events within his life and describing the characteristics of an influential leader. 

Knowledge Organiser


In computing we will be learning about what an algorithm is and learning to read blocks of code before creating our own algorithms. 


In RE we will be learning about Christianity. We will be describing the qualities of a leader and the importance of a holy book. As well as learning about important lessons which can be found in the Bible.  

Knowledge Organiser


In PE, we will be continuing our learning of dance and how we can express emotion through dance. We will use this to create our own dance routine which we will perform to the rest of the class. 


We will be using artwork from our core text as inspiration for our work. We will be creating an observational drawing, experimenting with colour and blending. 


 We will be focusing on identifying different sounds within music and learning about how when music and voices work together using different pitches at the same time you can hear harmony in the music. 


In RHE we will be learning about safety and the changing body. We will learn about the concept of privacy and respecting personal boundaries. As well as the difference in secrets and surprises, road safety and how to stay safe with medicine. 

Weekly Spellings