Year 1

Welcome back everyone! We hope that you and your children had a fantastic half term break and are now eager to continue the exciting year at Rockliffe Manor. We are thrilled to present the Year 1 curriculum newsletter for the spring term, where you can explore the incredible learning opportunities that await your children during this upcoming period. You will also see the words that will be used for the spelling assessments this half term.


The English learning will be focussed around the movie "Up" which is an animated adventure film that follows the story of Carl and Russell. The movie explores themes of adventure and friendship. Throughout the English learning journey, the children will be using emotive language to describe characters. They will be using a range of descriptive vocabulary to write a adventure narrative. 


In maths this half term, we will be looking at place value to 50.  We will have the opportunity to understand tens and ones within two digit numbers and will solve addition and subtraction within 50 using manipulatives and different strategies. In addition to that, we will be learning about length and height as well as volume and capacity. The application of knowledge to real life will be essential in helping us understand when different units of measure. 


In science this half term, Year 1 will continue to be learning about plants. Children will be able to recognise and identify different plants as well as investigate the growth of them. Children will learn about the importance of plants and identify what a plant needs to grow.

                        Knowledge Organiser


In History, children will continue to learn how toys have changed over time. We will develop a deeper understanding of how toys have changed over time. We will be differentiating between electronic and non-electronic toys as well as looking at the different purpose of toys and games. The children will even have a go at creating their own futuristic toy.

Knowledge Organiser 


In RE year 1 will be learning about the story of Easter and why it is important to Christians. We will be looking at different symbols and discuss their significance. Throughout the learning journey, we will be learning about religious stories and how we can show kindness in our school and community. 

      Knowledge Organiser 


In Art this half term we will be getting inspiration from the artist Clarke Reynolds to create our own masterpiece using a range of techniques. We will be learning about colour theory and using a range of media such as paint, chalk and oil pastels will be creating our own individual outcome. 


In Computing, we will be learning to use code to make a computer programme. The children will be understanding what backgrounds and objects are and how and how a code executes when a programe is run. As a part of their online safety, children in Year 1 will learn that they may see things that they don't like online and who to ask for help.


This half term, we will continue to have a  weekly gymnastics lesson by a coach. We will be learning how to use our body to make different shapes. We will also be using apparatus safely and we will create a small routine with all the skills learnt. 


In RHE, we will be learning about citizenship. This envolves learning that although we are all unique, we have things which are similar to other people. We will also be learning that babies and children have different needs and we can help look after them. 


In Music, we will be exploring a variety of songs and experiment with finding the pulse. We will listening carefully to the songs to identify the beats and then will play simple rhythmic patterns using long and short sounds. We will also be singing a melody that travels up and down. 
