Being gay, straight, bisexual or lesbian is not a choice—everybody is different and these labels should not define you as an individual. You may already know your sexual preferences but for some people, it can take time to know how you really feel inside. Sometimes, teenagers and young adults are attracted to people of the same sex—this does not necessarily mean you are gay or ‘confused’ about your sexuality—it’s just that, whilst you are growing up, you are still getting to know yourself and how you feel.

These days, there are lots of terms that seem confusing; gay, lesbian, pansexual, transgender, binary and so on but there are lots of people you can ask for help if you need more information—remember, there is no right or wrong, everybody is different and has the same right to be respected whatever their sexual orientation.

Whether you decide to tell people about your sexuality is entirely your own choice but, sometimes, the anxiety of telling people is worse than actually doing so. Most people will be very open and accepting of your sexuality but sometimes, people may take a little time to come to terms with this information and you might need to be patient with them.

Also remember that homophobic language, even if not meant as an insult, can feel very negative and isolating to someone who may be struggling with their feelings so make sure you are not guilty of using offensive language— even as ‘banter’.

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