
Sometimes people say they are feeling depressed when they are feeling low or sad because of something that’s happened—an argument with a parent or a friend or a day that just didn’t go well. These feelings are normal and are part of leading a normal life with all the rich emotions of sadness, happiness and somewhere in –between! But depression is when you feel this way over a longer period of time and it affects your physical and mental well-being—it can sometimes start as anxiety or stress but can sometimes just build up over a period of time.

If you think you might be depressed, there are many different symptoms but you should always ask for help in deciding whether you can work through these feelings with the support of friends and family or whether you need some extra help to get you through a difficult period. The great news is that looking after our mental health is something we all need to be aware of and there is there is lots of help available. This might include:

 Talking therapies to combat negative feelings

 Visits to a GP to talk about the best way of helping

 Help from a trained counsellor

 Medication to help with feeling better

Who Can Help?