TP6 - Support

Who to contact

For help with:

Ms Thomas-Jones

Head of Sixth Form

  • Academic Progress and Achievement

  • Behaviour/Conduct

  • Educational Provision

  • Personal Development

  • Safeguarding

  • Well-Being

Ms Williams

Deputy Head of Sixth Form

  • Academic Progress and Achievement

  • Behaviour/Conduct

  • Educational Provision

  • Personal Development

  • Safeguarding

  • Well-Being

Mrs Fields

Sixth Form Administration Officer

  • Admissions

  • Attendance

  • Bursary

  • Destinations

  • Timetables

  • Trips

  • UCAS Applications

  • Work Experience

Mr Noble

Academic and Pastoral Mentor

  • Academic Concerns and Celebrations

  • Academic Interventions/Programmes

  • Attendance

  • Barriers to Learning

  • Learning Plans

  • Study Centre

  • Study Skills

  • Supervised Study Sessions

Ms Coyne

Staff Adviser to the Student Union

  • Recruitment

  • Management of SU and Associated Activities

Ms Short

SEND Support

  • SEND Referrals

  • SEND Assessments

Ms Scott

Careers Adviser

  • Independent and Impartial careers advice on all available options

  • Cv writing, interview skills, applications and job seeking

  • Pastoral support

Ms Browne

Librarian and Research Mentor

  • Research, Plagiarism, Referencing Guidance


  • TP6 Information Hub

Kit Marie Rackley

Kit Marie's main role is 'Higher Education Champion' for The Network for East Anglian Collaborative Outreach (neaco) and works with students in Years 10 - 13 to help make informed decisions about their future.