Next Steps - Year 12/13

In Year 12 and 13, you will be studying either A level/BTEC subjects or a vocational course. You will have chosen your academic route based on your plans for the future and what you would like to be doing as a future career. You could be studying at a 6th form (eg. TP6) or a college that specialises in vocational training. For more information on both of these options, you can view our Sixth Form / College page here.

Help You Choose

The information, advice and careers guidance website for young people in Norfolk

Online CV Builder

Quickly create a CV in the PDF format from a phone or computer, using your free icanbea… account. This tool includes a fast-track personal statement builder that uses suggestions. This allows you to create a statement that you should then personalise.

Be Proactive........

In Year 12 and 13 you will be planning the next stage of your education so it is important to use the help available to make the best choices for you. In addition, there will be opportunities to extend your skills, abilities and personal enrichment so keep checking to see what is being offered both within school and externally.


  • Use UCAS to investigate the range of degree courses on offer and create your UCAS hub account to keep track of your progress.

  • Find out about important aspects of applying to Uni such as student finance, accommodation etc. Use our University page for details.

  • Attend open days at a range of Universities either online or in person to help you compare the different institutions.

  • See what universities are offering as online webinars - you can view these at on the TP6 Events page.

  • Prepare for Uni by completing an online course designed to help with with the transition to Higher Level learning.

  • Use the help available to work on your Personal Statement as this is important in securing your first choice options.


  • Take the opportunities in school to join committees such as the Student Union, Anti-Bullying or LGBTQ+ committees. This will help to improve your communication skills but also gives you the chance to improve things for the school community.

  • Volunteer to work with younger members of the school community to develop and improve your leadership skills.

  • Look at opportunities to extend yourself outside school such as those advertised on the TP6 Extras page.

  • Look for volunteering opportunities in the local community - your chance to make a difference.

Your Plans......

You may already have an idea about your future and want more information about what to plan for next. If so, you could visit the following pages for more information on academic and career options.

Take Your Place PC Webpage - school comms links (2).pdf