Next Steps - Year 7/8

You may already have some idea of the career or job you would like to do when you leave school and it's never too early to start planning for your future. In Years 7 and 8, you will be working hard at school to build a strong foundation for your academic progress to ensure that you achieve the very best exam grades you can. This will give you the confidence to make choices to fulfil your academic and employment potential as you move forward into your future life.

Your Milestones.......

In year 9 you will choose your options. This means you will be able to drop some of your subjects and concentrate on those that you are strongest in or that will help you towards your chosen career. If you would like more information about your Year 9 milestones, you can view the Year 9 page here.

In year 10 you will be concentrating on your core subjects of English, Maths and Science as well as the option subjects you chose in Year 9. You may be taking exams which will count towards your final GCSE or BTEC grades. If you would like more information about your Year 10 milestones, you can view the Year 10 page here.

In year 11 you will be working towards your GCSE/BTEC exams to make sure that you get the very best grades you can achieve. This will give you the best opportunity of being able to choose your future academic and employment routes. If you would like more information about your Year 11 milestones, you can visit the Year 11 page here.

In Year 12/13, you will only be studying a maximum of 4 subjects that are closely linked to your future plans for academic and employment routes. Alternatively, you may be studying a vocational course that only concentrates on a specific type of job. Either way, you will be taking exams to gain qualifications as proof or your skills and abilities to progress in education or employment. If you would like more information about your Year 12/13 milestones, you can visit the Year 12/13 page here.

Your Future Plans......

You may already have an idea about your future and want more information about what to plan for next. If so, you could visit the following pages for more information on academic and career options.