Personal Development - Preparing for Sixth Form

Module 6 - Support and Well-being


When you join sixth form, there is a whole team of people ready to support you. If you have a concern, either about your academic progress and achievement or about your physical and emotional well-being, there is someone on the team who can help you so don't be afraid to ask. This module is about familiarising yourself with the support network in sixth form and further organisations that may be able to help.

Meet the Sixth Form Team (Thomas Paine Sixth Form)

Some of these people you may already be familiar with if you've moved up from Thetford Academy Year 11 but some of the staff are dedicated to the sixth form - you will meet them on your enrolment day at TP6.


In the ideal world, all of our students would be happy and healthy all of the time but we know this is not realistic. There may be times when you need to access additional help and support - this may be as simple as talking to sixth form staff / friends / parents / carers or you might need some help from people or organisations that have the skills to advise you.

To assist with this, we have created a well-being portal on this information hub with links to different types of challenges and support organisations. This can be found at:


Have a look now so you know what is there should you need it in the future.
