September 28: High School

000_HS Agenda 09282023.docx



For your pre-work, we’d like to ask you to do a few things. 


00_Woodson article_section.pdf

Jacqueline Woodson

Please read "Jacqueline Woodson on Africa, America and Slavery’s Fierce Undertow" prior to reviewing the questions on the task analysis guide. 

TAG Sample_Woodson.pdf

Sample Task Analysis Guide (TAG)

Please review the lower-level demand questions and the higher-level demand questions. Then, compose a quick write in response to the following questions:

Base Task Sheet

Scaffolded Reading

Scaffold for EML

Please review all three of the task sheets posted above. After reviewing the set, please respond to the following questions:

Materials for Our Work Together on Zoom

Alexander_My Family.pdf

My family taught me ‘the act of voting is democracy made manifest’

Please read the linked text by Elizabeth Alexander.  After you've read, please take some notes on what this text is about. What is Alexander saying ?


General Task Analysis Guide

Google Slides

Please post:

Please be sure to include your school name on the post.


7_IFL-Student-Centered-Routines-updated chart.pdf

Student-Centered Routine Guide

Comprehension Change Idea

Planning Forward _Comprehension task.pdf

Comprehension Planning Guide for PLC

Bridge to Practice

The purpose of this bridge to practice is for you to create a high-level comprehension task for a text from the curriculum.  To be successful  with this bridge to practice

We'll discuss how it went (or where you are in planning if you haven't yet engaged in the task) during our meeting in October.

Please let us know if you have any questions!
Sara (, Glenn (, and Tony (