January 18th 

Middle School

000_MS Agenda 01182024.docx



In response to the request to experience an Amplify lesson that has been adapted to include student-centered routines, we'll be spending the first part of our meeting engaging in a lesson from Unit 6D, sub-unit 2. Your pre-work is an adapted version of the Solo activity from lesson 7 of sub-unit 1. 

First, please read paragraphs 16-20 of “Book 9, The Cyclops.” As you read, please

When you've finished reading, please make some notes to yourself about

Second, please review the Sub-unit 2 guide for lesson 1. The purpose of reviewing the guide is to situate the lesson for you, especially if you have not taught this unit previously. 

Cyclops segmented.pdf

Solo: The Cyclops

Please read paragraphs 16-20 of “Book 9, The Cyclops.” As you read, please

When you've finished reading, please make some notes to for yourself about


Unit Context: 6D

 Please review the Sub-unit 2 guide for lesson 1. The purpose of reviewing the guide is to situate the lesson for you, especially if you have not taught this unit previously. Please focus on PDF pages 19-36 (document pages 223-238). 

The Cyclops_Subunit 2 Lesson1.pptx

Slides for The Cyclops

Material for our work together in session from 6:00 - 8:00

Please work with your partner to complete the character chart.

Bridge to Practice

The purpose of this bridge to practice is for you to get a sense of the talk happening in the ELAR classrooms at your schools. To be successful with this bridge to practice, please do the following:

Please let us know if you have any questions!

Sara, Glenn, & Tony