November 10th Middle School




Please complete the following for your pre-work:

  1. Be sure you have completed your Bridge to Practice from October and are able to share a document/slides that show how you've adapted or condensed a lesson from Amplify.

  2. Check the grade-level document for your name and breakout room assignment. If you cannot find your name, please email Sara ( before 6:00 pm on November 10th. This will allow Sara time to make sure you are assigned a room. If you know you will not be attending the meeting, please email Sara as well. ILCs, CICs, and APs are not listed - you'll be able to choose your room.

  3. Sign-in

Grade-Level Breakout Room Assignments

Materials for Our Work Together in Session

TS_Share Instrucdtion_11102022

Task Sheet: Sharing Your Lesson Plan

Please use the linked task sheet to guide the discussion you have with your partner in your break out room. You'll have time to work on the individual reflection when we come back together as a whole group.

In your breakout room, please take turns with your partner sharing the adapted lesson that you’ve each brought with you to the session. Please provide each other feedback on the lessons you’ve shared using the following questions:

  • What do you notice about your partner’s adaptation?

  • What advice might you give to your partner to strengthen their plan?

Step 1: Breakout Rooms

Step 2: Individual Reflection

When we come back together as a whole group, you’ll be given some time to do an individual reflection on the process of sharing your adapted lesson. Please compose a quick write in response to the following questions:

  • How did adding in a student-centered routine or condensing an Amplify lesson go?

  • What was a big take away from your conversation with your grade-level partner?

  • What more would you like to know about adding in a student-centered routine or condensing Amplify lessons?

Step 3: School Teams

Please share your individual reflections with your school team. Then, work as a team to respond to the following questions on your school’s Google Slide:

  • What were the big takeaways from the grade-level discussions?

  • What more would your school like to know about adding in student-centered routines or condensing lessons in Amplify?

Bridge to Practice

The purpose of this bridge to practice is for you to use the adapted or condensed lesson from Amplify and to reflect on how it went.

After you've used the lesson with students, please use the following questions to reflection:

  • What did you notice about student engagement when you used your adapted lesson? How was it similar to or different from lessons in Amplify that you did not adapt?

  • What went well with the adaptation? In other words, what do you want to do again when you use this lesson again or have similar lessons? What evidence do you have that shows that adaptation was successful?

  • What do you think you might want to change? What is your evidence that that piece of the lesson needs to change?

In addition, we'd also like to ask you to read the linked data report. This report captures the impact that the work you've been doing as a network has had on students' achievement. We'll talk a little about this report when we come back together in January.

Please let us know if you have any questions and please enjoy the holiday break!

Eval of NSI-Fall 2022-Oct 31_FINAL_new Image.pdf

Meeting Reflection