May 4th 

Middle School




We'd like to ask you to do two things for your pre-work:

Please complete the RSVP only if you have not already filled it out.

Please complete the linked reflection task prior to the start of our Zoom meeting.


Please submit your reflection using the Google form.  We are asking you to submit this to us to help us get a sense of the success that you've had using the NSI routines this year. 

Materials for our work together 

Bridge to Practice

The purpose of this bridge to practice is to collect artifacts that will help us take stock of teaching and learning at your school at the beginning of the next school year.  We are asking you to collect artifacts now because you have more evidence of your instructional practices and student achievement at this point in the year than you will during the first weeks of school.


This bridge to practice will provide a snapshot of the cognitive work that students are being asked to do and the collected artifacts will be used to help us better understand how tasks are driving instructional change.


To complete this bridge to practice, we are asking you to collect instructional resources that have been used with students.  Each school should collect several examples of the following:


Please upload your artifacts using to the link for your school below before August. We’ll be using these at the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year to think about the work we’d like to do to continue to grow as teachers and provide high-quality teaching and learning to students.

Bedford Dade Garcia Kennedy Curry Marsh Spence Zan Holmes


If you have questions about this work, please feel free to reach out to Sara or Glenn.