January 19th

High School




Please complete the following for your pre-work:

  1. Please be sure that you've completed your bridge to practice from November. You can find that bridge to practice here

  2. Please read the two linked documents on inquiry questions and inquiry-based discussions

  3. Please revisit "Curanderismo." We will be doing some inquiry work with this poem during our meeting.

  4. Please take the linked survey. We'll add an additional $50 to your card once you have completed it.

  5. Sign-in (this link will become active on the 19th)

Shared Inq Doc.pdf

Developing Inquiry Questions

Please read the excerpt from the Shared inquiry handbook from the Great Books Foundation. Once you have finished reading, please compose a quick write in response to the following:

  1. How have you thought about developing interpretive questions in the past?

  2. What did this excerpt from the Great Books Foundation add to your understanding of developing interpretive questions?

7_Inquiry Based Discussion_2020_0113_FM.pdf

Principles of an Inquiry-based Discussion

Please revisit "Curanderismo" by Arianna Brown. You completed the comprehension work on this poem during our September meeting. We'll be working with this poem again on the 19th.

Materials for our work together during the meeting

We'll follow the steps on the task sheet as we complete the interpretation work for "Curanderismo"

Discussion Notes

This is where the facilitator will take notes during our discussion.

Brown Responses

Revising and Refining Interpretive Questions

This is the sequence of tasks that you started in November. Please take a look at the interpretive question you deveolped and work with your team to respond to the following:

  • How does the question we developed fit in to the frame work from Great Books?

  • How might we revise or refine that question if it doesn't quite fit?

Bridge to Practice

The purpose of this bridge to practice is for you to continue to develop an interpretation task.

Work with your team to develop an interpretation question that

    • uses your own uncertainty,

    • focuses on important ideas; and

    • explores the complexities and contradictions in a text.

Remember, this question should support more than yes or no responses and should be rooted in the text.

Once you have drafted your question, work as a team to develop a task sheet for that question. You'll be asked to share your question (and task sheet if you created one) at our next meeting.

Please let us know if you have any questions and have a great break!

Sara, Glenn, & Tony
