January 12th

Middle School




Please complete the following for your pre-work:

  1. Please be sure that you've completed your bridge to practice from November. You can find that bridge to practice here as well as copied below.

  2. Sign-in

  3. Work on the survey linked below. We will have some time in session to do this survey too. Please do not complete the survey if you started with the network after November 1st, 2022.

Bridge to Practice from November:

The purpose of this bridge to practice is for you to use the adapted or condensed lesson from Amplify and to reflect on how it went.

After you've used the lesson with students, please use the following questions to reflection:

  • What did you notice about student engagement when you used your adapted lesson? How was it similar to or different from lessons in Amplify that you did not adapt?

  • What went well with the adaptation? In other words, what do you want to do again when you use this lesson again or have similar lessons? What evidence do you have that shows that adaptation was successful?

  • What do you think you might want to change? What is your evidence that that piece of the lesson needs to change?

In addition, we'd also like to ask you to read the linked data report. This report captures the impact that the work you've been doing as a network has had on students' achievement. We'll talk a little about this report when we come back together in January.

Please let us know if you have any questions and please enjoy the holiday break!

Eval of NSI-Fall 2022-Oct 31_FINAL_new Image.pdf

Materials for Our Work Together in Session


You'll have about 20 minutes to work in your school team to complete the following:

  1. Please have each member of your team share their reflection from the bridge to practice about implementing their adapted lesson. If you haven't had an opportunity to use the lesson with students yet, share what you did to adapt the lesson and what you think the adaptions will do for student learning.

  2. Once everyone on your team has had a chance to share, please take few minutes to work as a team to create a slide that represents your conversation. Please make sure to include:

      • One or two big takeaways about adapting lessons in Amplify for student engagement.

      • An NSI adaptation you’d like to continue working on as a school team.

      • Any questions you’re left with about adapting Amplify lessons for student engagement.

Gallery Walk

Once each school team has completed their chart, please engage in a gallery walk. As you engage in the walk, please note any similarities among the ideas in the charts and any questions you might have.

Once you've viewed all charts, please compose a quick write in response to the following:

  • What did you notice about how our network is adapting for student-centered routines?

  • What questions are you left with about adapting lessons in Amplify?

Resources from Emma Raleigh

SchoolCity Assessments 1/6 PD

School City

1/12 Marsh IFL Presentation

Emma's Presentation

Bridge to Practice

The purpose of this bridge to practice is for you to continue to incorporate student-centered routines into Amplify lessons, condense a lesson, or do both.

To complete this bridge to practice, please continue to do the following:

  • Begin by selecting a lesson from your grade-level unit.

  • Work to understand and begin to internalize the unit, sub-unit , and the lesson you've selected. Make sure to understand the goals of the unit, what students will have to complete for the unit assessments, how the sub-unit supports students in working towards the learning goals, and how the lesson you've selected supports students to understand the text, to work towards the goals of the unit, and to be successful on the unit assessments .

  • Once you've internalized the lesson that you'll be working with, you'll want to make some decisions about where you'd like to

        • add a student-centered routine to help deepen students' understanding of the text and the work in the lesson, OR

        • condense the lesson to, for example, eliminate repetition, OR

        • condense the lesson and add in student-centered routines.

If you did not have an opportunity to complete the survey before or during our meeting, please make sure that you complete the survey as part of your bridge to practice. You can find the survey here.

Please let us know if you have any questions!
