March 3 - ILCs

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1 Text_AintIa Woman.pdf

"Ain't I a Woman?"

Annotated Task Sheet_Truth v2

Annotated Task Sheet

IFL-Student-Centered-Routines-updated chart

Student-Cetered Routines

Bridge to Practice

The purpose of this Bridge to Practice is to build on your understanding of Socializing Intelligence and to describe where you see evidence of socializing intelligence happening at your schools. To complete this Bridge to Practice, we'd like to invite you to do two things:

  1. Please read "Socializing Intelligence" by Lauren B. Resnick and Sharon Nelson-LeGall. Once you've read the text, please complete a quick write in response to the following:

    • How are Resnick and Nelson-LeGall defining intelligence? What one or two moments in the text are significant to your understanding of how the authors are defining intelligence?

    • What questions do you have about the ideas in the text?

  2. Next, please take some time to visit with one or two NSI ELA classrooms. As you visit the classrooms, note where you see evidence of students engaging in work that is representative of socializing intelligence. We've included a quick reference document on socializing intelligence that might serve as a lens for your observations. Please be prepared to share your noticings when we meet.


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