April 21st




The purposes of this prework are for you to review the protocol we will engage with during our meeting, so that we can make the most of our time together. It's also for you to let us know if you'll be attending our May 19th celebration at Howell & Dragon.

Task Sheet Planning Poster_May 19_04032022

Please let us know if you plan to attend the May 19th celebration!

Test of Change Check-In

School Coordinators, please check-in with your teachers and complete one test of change form for your school.

In-Session Resources

Poster Template

The linked template is meant to be a resource for creating your poster. The sections have been scaled for printing a 36"x48" poster. IFL will print the poster for you.

Sample Posters

Poster Sample 1

Sample Poster 1.pdf

Poster Sample 2

Sample Poster 2.pdf

Poster Sample 3

Sample poster 3.pdf
Sample Poster_WH.pdf

Sample Poster 4

Thanks to Stephanie Wasson and Simone Johnson for sharing the work that was used to put together this sample poster.

Please have one member of your school team complete this form before the end of our session. We'll follow up again before May 12th to see if you need any additional assistance.

Bridge to Practice

The purpose of this bridge to practice is for you to continue to work on your poster with your school team.

The IFL will have your poster printed for you; please send your poster file (it can be a single PowerPoint/Google slide or a PDF) to Sara by May 12 (smd94@pitt.edu).

  • Does your poster show your goal for your test of change? (Example: We noticed that teachers were doing all the talking in the classroom, so we worked on planning follow-up questions that would prompt student response rather than do the explaining for students.)

  • Does your poster provide some context for the instruction? (Example: The instruction happened in a 7th grade classroom. Nine students in the class are English learners. We were working with the text “Shame” by Richard Gregory as part of a unit on narrative writing.)

  • Does your poster show artifacts of your instruction? (Examples: the task sheet that you used, screenshots of your slides, a photo of your planning document if you are planning for discussion)

  • Does your poster highlight student work? (Examples: quick writes, an excerpt from a student written essay, a few transcribed comments from a conversation, etc. Note: The student work should have names removed.)

  • Does your poster talk about the results of your NSI work? (Some questions to consider: What did you notice about student learning? What did you notice about engagement? Did you achieve your instructional goal?)

  • Does your poster show your next steps? In other words, how are you taking what you learned about this success and building on that success?